Vba Link Lan Tutorial

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  1. Vba Tutorial Pdf
  2. Download Vba Link
  3. Vba Link Lan Tutorial Linux

Now on window 1 and 2 click Options and click on Link and click Settings. Select 'Network'. In Link Timeout, put 999999. (Thats what I tested) Port should be default. Do this for both windows in Link Settings. Now on Window 1, click Server and click 'Start!' On Window 2, click Client and click Connect. Using VBA to Link Applications To get our program to work, we first need to create a reference to a new instance of Word, then use this to create a document. Finally, we need to loop over our cells typing the values of each into this new Word document. Step 1 - Getting VBA Link Download the VBA Link here: VBALink Website Step 2 - Getting Hamachi Download Hamachi here: Hamachi Download Page - How To Use Step 3 - The Hamachi Networks Name - Password PKMNRSELink - 123 SonicBattleLink - 123 Step 4 - Setting Up VBA Link a.

To get our program to work, we first need to create a reference to a new instance of Word, then use this to create a document. Finally, we need to loop over our cells typing the values of each into this new Word document.

Creating a New Instance of Word

The first thing to do is to create a reference to a new Word application in memory. We'll store this reference in a variable. You can do this in one of two ways. The first way is easier to understand:

'create a variable to refer to a copy of Word

Dim WordApp As Word.Application

'now set this variable to refer to a new app

Set WordApp = New Word.Application

However, the second way is easier to write:

'set variable to refer to a a new copy of Word

Dim WordApp AsNew Word.Application

So which is better? The short answer is the second one, I think, because it's simpler - but it does have implications. What follows is a fairly technical summary of what these are.

Using the NEW Keyword - Pros and Cons

Consider the following line of code:

'set variable to refer to a a new copy of Word

Dim WordApp AsNew Word.Application

This does not set the variable to a reference to Word, it just means that the variable will be set to a reference to Word the first time that it is used. There are two small disadvantages to this:

  1. There is a slight overhead as the variable is checked to see if WordApp is Nothing every time it is used;
  2. Consequently you can never explicitly test if WordApp is Nothing because the instant you do, the variable is instantiated.

IMHO you don't need to worry about this, but at the owlery we try not to gloss over things!

Making an Application Visible

The next thing to do is to make sure that you can see the copy of Word:

'make sure this copy of Word is visible

WordApp.Visible = True

You might be wondering why this is necessary. When you create a copy of an application in VBA, it isn't automatically visible. Had you missed out this line, you would have had to press ALT + CTRL + DEL to list out running processes to close it down:

Select the running copy of MS Word - called WINWORD.EXE - and end the process.

Note that the copy of Word you've created programmatically will NOT show up in the Applications tab of this dialog box.

Writing Code within the 'Foreign' Application

Once you have created a copy of Word within memory, you can run commands within this. Here is what our full macro could look like:

Sub ListJugglersInWord()

'set variable to refer to a new copy of Word

Dim WordApp AsNew Word.Application

'make sure this copy of Word is visible

WordApp.Visible = True

'create a new document in this

Dim doc As Word.Document

Set doc = WordApp.Documents.Add

'loop over all of the jugglers

Dim JugglerRange As Range

Dim JugglerCell As Range

Set JugglerRange = Range( _

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Range('A1'), Range('A1').End(xlDown))

ForEach JugglerCell In JugglerRange

'for this juggler, write name into Word

WordApp.Selection.TypeText JugglerCell.Value


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Next JugglerCell

MsgBox 'You should now see your jugglers in Word!'


The commands to type information into Word are:

'for this juggler, write name into Word

WordApp.Selection.TypeText JugglerCell.Value


It is vital that you include the WordApp object at the start of every Word VBA command, as explained below.

The Importance of Including the Application Prefix

Supposing that you had missed out the WordApp object from the 2 lines shown above, to get:

'for this juggler, write name into Word

Selection.TypeText JugglerCell.Value


This will not compile or run - here's why. When Excel sees the word Selection, it tries to find this in its list of referenced object libraries:

Excel will start from the top and work its way down in order. It will find the word Selection within the Excel object library before it finds it within the Word one, and so assume that this is a built-in Excel object.

Vba Link Lan Tutorial Linux

Because Excel is above Word in the list of references, the compiler will assume that Selection refers to the currently selected cells in Excel, and complain loudly that you can not apply the TypeText method to an Excel range:

The error message you will get if you try to run the macro without prefixing the Word Selection object.

In theory you could change the order of the references to put Word above Excel, but apart from being terrible practice - after all, you're coding within Excel - this isn't actually possible (you get an error message if you try to demote Excel in the references list).

Now we've got all of the theory out of the way, let's look at a worked example of how to get an Excel workbook to fill in a Word form.

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is the programming language of Excel and other Office programs.

1 Create a Macro: With Excel VBA you can automate tasks in Excel by writing so called macros. In this chapter, learn how to create a simple macro.

2 MsgBox: The MsgBox is a dialog box in Excel VBA you can use to inform the users of your program.

3 Workbook and Worksheet Object: Learn more about the Workbook and Worksheet object in Excel VBA.

4 Range Object: The Range object, which is the representation of a cell (or cells) on your worksheet, is the most important object of Excel VBA.

5 Variables: This chapter teaches you how to declare, initialize and display a variable in Excel VBA.

6 If Then Statement: Use the If Then statement in Excel VBA to execute code lines if a specific condition is met.

7 Loop: Looping is one of the most powerful programming techniques. A loop in Excel VBA enables you to loop through a range of cells with just a few codes lines.


8 Macro Errors: This chapter teaches you how to deal with macro errors in Excel.

9 String Manipulation: In this chapter, you'll find the most important functions to manipulate strings in Excel VBA.

10 Date and Time: Learn how to work with dates and times in Excel VBA.

11 Events: Events are actions performed by users which trigger Excel VBA to execute code.

12 Array: An array is a group of variables. In Excel VBA, you can refer to a specific variable (element) of an array by using the array name and the index number.

13 Function and Sub: In Excel VBA, a function can return a value while a sub cannot.

14 Application Object: The mother of all objects is Excel itself. We call it the Application object. The application object gives access to a lot of Excel related options.

15 ActiveX Controls: Learn how to create ActiveX controls, such as command buttons, text boxes, list boxes etc.

16 Userform: This chapter teaches you how to create an Excel VBA Userform.

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